Leveraging a Congressional Hearing for Advocacy

Campaigns & Elections
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hearings and bill mark-ups are commonplace in many committees in the House of Representatives and Senate every day. These routine-but-important parts of the legislative process are great opportunities to leverage your advocacy goals. A hearing or mark-up is a perfect opportunity to activate your advocates with a specific call to action (CTA). Your advocacy appeal can be issued before a hearing, during, after, or "all of the above" for maximum effect. Beyond your traditional email, text and social media campaign you can get a little more disruptive and creative for maximum effect. More often cameras are on — even if it's C-Span 3 — media are present, and the stage is set for a focused discussion on a topic that can advance your agenda. Here are a few ways to get the most out of a hearing and leverage it for your advocacy efforts.